Dr. Sumesh Kumar, Associate Professor & Associate Dean (Academics & Student Affairs) at IIHMR Delhi

Dr. Sumesh Kumar

Associate Professor & Associate Dean (Academics & Student Affairs)

Dr. Sumesh Kumar holds Ph. D, M. Phil and M.A., degrees in economics and MBA degree in finance. During over 20 years of working experience, he worked with different organizations and is well versed in industry projects, practical implications of economic theories, methods of data collection and analysis, designing curriculum, academic administration and analyzing government policies for economics and industry. He has completed many research projects in the area of economics, health and life skills. He has published various articles in leading Indian newspapers and research papers in the field of economics and management. He has been a key speaker in national and international conferences and attended several workshops and seminars.

Research Projects

Name of the Project

Role in the project



Life Skills Assessment Data Collection


6 Months

Room to Read

Life Skills Assessment Data Collection

Expert Life Skills

8 Months

Room to Read

Preparation of background paper on tobacco taxation in South East Asian Countries


1 Month


Longitudinal Aging Study in India

Project Manager & Tool Translation

One year

IIPS & Harvard School of Public Health

An implementation research to situational analysis and recommend an improved program model to improve adherence to IFA and calcium in selected areas of selected states in India


2 years (On going)

Nutrition International

Research Publications

  1. Kumar Sumesh, Sharma Komal (March 2009). Entrepreneurship and our Economic Development. Presented Research paper in International Conference at GJIMT Mohali (Chandigarh)                                                              
  2. Kumar Sumesh, Sharma Komal (March 2010). Fiscal Deficit: An Analysis. Presented Research paper in international conference at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
  3. Kumar Sumesh, Bhatia GK (2014). Financial Performance of Indian Automobile                        Companies after Liberalization: A Comparative Study of Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 9, ISSN No: 2278-6236.
  4. Kumar Sumesh, Bhatia GK (2015). Need and effectiveness of Research and Development in Indian Automobile Industry: A Comparative study of Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors. International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 2, ISSN No.2249-7382.
  5. S. K. (2017). Demonetization: Way Ahead for Indian Economy. ABS International Journal of Management, V (2), 97-99. ISSN 2319-684X
  6. S. K., & K. S., (2017). The Issue of Gender Ratio in India: An analysis. Journal of Management Research and Analysis, 4(4), 128-132.ISSN No. 2394-2770. doi: 10.18231/2394-2770.2017.0020 
  7. Ahmed I, Kumar S, Aggarwal D (2020). Assessment of knowledge and practices of hygienic milk production among dairy farm workers, Southwest Delhi. Indian J Community Med, Vol 45, 2020; 45: S26-30. ISSN 0970-0218. DOI: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_366_19
  8. Kumar S, Talreja P (2020). Economics of a Contagion: Opportunities for India amidst Impact of COVID- 19, J Manag Res Anal 2020; 7(2): 73- 75. ISSN No:2394-2762https://doi.org/10.18231/j.jmra.2020.016
  9. Kumar S, Kuncharam S Reddy. Determinants of Women Empowerment Responsible for Reducing Crime Against Women in India, Violence and Gender (New York); 7(4):  ISSN  2326-7852: 182-187. Dec. 8 2020https://doi.org/10.1089/vio.2020.0023.

Other Assignments

Papers/Chapters in Books

  1. S. K. (2016). Indian Automobile Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Growth and Performance of Selected Firms (1st ed.). Germany, Deutschland: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  2. Sutapa B Neogi, Vinay Tripathi, Sumesh Kumar. Managing Severe Anemia in Pregnancy with IV Sucrose. Sight and Life Special Report / Experiences from the Field. As part of SAL’s Special Report – The Promise and Progress of Maternal Nutrition in India Nov 2022


Papers Presented

Trainings & Workshops

Membership of Scientific & Academic Organizations

Awards Obtained